标题: [三级] [美国/四級] 为萨瓦娜辩护 On Trial 1 – In Defense Of Savannah [AVI/800MB] [打印本页] 作者: blabit 时间: 2014-1-30 12:55 标题: [美国/四級] 为萨瓦娜辩护 On Trial 1 – In Defense Of Savannah [AVI/800MB]
导演: Paul Thomas
主演: Savannah, Christy Canyon, Britt Morgan
类型: 剧情 / 情色
国家: 美国
对白: 英语
简介:Everytown USA – Savannah , adult’s hottest video star, is embroiled in controversy as the whole medium of adult video goes on trial in small municipalities throughout the country. “Every community sets its own standards – only no one knows them ahead of time,” said Defense attorney Jack Kimble. “So it’s a perfect opportunity for any local prosecutor to entrap a film maker — and make a name for himself,” he added. So far the government crackdown is experiencing mixed success. In Texas, prosecutors achieved several convictions, now on appeal. In Oklahoma, a hung jury resulted in acquittal. But the industry is… Based on a true story about to happen.